How To Install Security Cameras In a Two-story House?

It is the right option to choose a security camera for advanced security for your house. Your property’s features will determine how you will plan to install security cameras for that. When you intend to install security cameras in your two-story house, it is worthy to talk about it in more detail as this might be a great decision to install security camera.

Well, today I’m going to explain how to install security cameras in a two-story house. In addition, I’ll mention several other factors to consider when installing security cameras in a two-story house. So, read on until the end.

Where To Install a Surveillance Camera in a Two-Story House?

Install a Surveillance Camera in a Two-Story House

Before installing security cameras in your two-story house, you need to be more tricky. To begin with, determine which place is most likely to be attacked by a burglar or thief. Then place a security camera in that place or opposite side of the place so that you can get the whole view of this place.

There are some locations in every house that are generally used by burglars to enter the house. I am just simply mentioning them below:

Driveway And Garage

A garage is an important part of the house where people used to park cars, bikes, and other vehicles. If you want to secure these properties from any probable loss then you should set a security camera on that spot.

Large houses often have driveways with gates at the end. Therefore, if you set a security camera at the end of the courtyard i.e. entering the gate, you can secure your car or other vehicles as well as you can identify anyone who will come in or out of your house.


The yard is another best point to set up a security camera because from that your camera can view the whole picture of your house. Se that you can hunt up any wrong movement in your house’ yard.

Front And Back Doors

Experts have ascertained that 34% of cases of burglary happen through the front door, so it would be better to set a security camera at the front door. 

If you think to set a security camera at the front door then it is more logical to set a security camera at the back door. And you may place other places inside your two-story house. Such as in your kitchen, living room, dormer: catching total front view, etc. 

Place it anywhere you think to be right but it is worthy to place it at least ten feet or more off the ground. This prevents any intruder from being able to manipulate it.

Getting Security Cameras Installed in a Two-story House: A Simple and Easy Guide

Getting Security Cameras Installed in a Two-story House

I have already talked about the places where to set up your security camera as it is the first step to installing a security camera in your house. Now, you have to decide on other things.  Let’s have a look at them. 

You Need Camera Mount

You will find with your camera drill templates which will help you to place holes rightly. The template is required to use when mounting screws need to drill holes in respective indicators. And use a hammer to install other maintain pins. Then secure your camera mount in your desired location or any wall.

Install Your Camera

After selecting the right place and adding the camera mount, you need to secure the camera properly. However, there are different types of cameras on the market and if you have a wireless camera then you have to do some tasks before mounting your camera. It is recommended that you set up this type of camera before mounting it since it runs on batteries or solar power.

However, if you have a wired security camera then secure the cables onto the wall and try to hide them to protect them from harsh weather and intruders. Place these cables at least ten feet off the ground so that no one can disconnect your security camera from the monitor. Then install the security camera onto the mount 

Connecting To Your Phone

Monitoring your business or house with your phone is an excellent idea. If you leave your two-story house for a few days, your security camera can be used to monitor your home through your mobile phone. All you have to download an app from your app store and connect your camera to your mobile phone just using a cloud server and an ID of your product.

Swann Link is one of the security cameras which provide this service for you. You can follow my article regarding how to connect swan security cameras to phones.  

These are simple things that you need to do while installing your security camera in your Two-story House. Let’s see some significant factors that should be considered while installing a security camera. These are as follows:

  • You should not monitor others’ property. It is important to note that you should not monitor your neighbors’ homes or properties. 
  • You should not focus your camera in private areas or locations such as bathrooms or bedrooms. That means you should not place your security cameras at locations where you will not like to be monitored by other people. This is known in the United States as the “ reasonable expectation of privacy”. You can read all the security camera laws in the U.S here


After reading everything related to installing security cameras in a Two-story house, you should be able to place one without any hassle. And I have mentioned other related issues such as laws of placing a security camera in a house which should be considered while installing security.

If you’re facing any issues following our simple instructions about installing security cameras in your two-story house, please contact us. Good luck. 

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TR Jewel

Hello Out There! This is TR Jewel I'm a passionate blogger and Home Security and DIY Expert. Keep Reading my blog and stay with us for exploring more and more.

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