How To Turn Old Android Phone Into Security Camera Without Internet

In this day and age, CCTV cameras are compulsory almost everywhere including your home, garage, office, and several other places. But having an individual camera for every separate room can be quite challenging because of its expensive price.  

Now, what if we tell you that there’s a way for you to avoid this expense and the solution is also really cheap? 

At a certain point, we all have a cell phone ready to be tossed. Instead of discarding your old android phone, you have a chance to turn it to a security camera. Sounds cool, right? 

Well, it doesn’t only sound cool, perhaps a bit difficult as well. But not necessarily it actually has to be difficult. In fact, it’s pretty much easier than you might imagine.

How to turn an old android phone into a security camera without internet? The answer to this question is to use an app called IP webcam. It’s available on the play store that can convert a phone into CCTV.

Hence if you have an old functional android phone around you, you can utilize this technique. Keep going through the article to know the entire process in detail.

10 Easy Steps to Turn Old Android Phone into Security Camera without Internet through IP Webcam

10 Easy Steps to Turn Old Android Phone into Security Camera without Internet through IP Webcam

So now, let’s know about the guidelines you need to follow in order to use your old android phone as CCTV without internet through an app called IP webcam.

  • Go to the play store of your old android mobile phone and search for the app IP Webcam. First, download the app and then install it on your phone. This app only requires a space of 21 MBs on your phone.
  • Now to link your old android mobile with your viewing device’s camera, turn the hotspot on of the android phone. As a result, an access point of wireless Wi-Fi will be created.
  • Check if any other camera apps are still active and shut them off to avoid any sort of interruption.
  • Open the installed app IP Webcam. Many features, including video settings, camera effects, and sound & motion detection will interface on your mobile screen.
  • According to your preferences, set up those settings. You can use this system both indoors & outdoors.
  • Click the option “Start Server” that you will find after scrolling down the app IP Webcam. Once you click, it will open the camera application and you’ll be able to see a web address at the end of your displayed screen. Sometimes, 2 web addresses might also be displayed depending on one’s router accessing point
  • Connect both your viewing device and the Wi-Fi in your old android mobile phone with each other. Make sure both the devices are charged during the whole process.
  • At this moment, open any browser you like on your viewing device. Then type in the web address that you got from your old android mobile. This web address holds your IP address.
  • By this time, both of your devices should be corresponding. The web address that you have opened on your broadcasting device will show numerous settings to function the camera. Go through the webpage and customize it as per your liking.
  • Because the target is using your old android phone as a security camera without internet, you need to use the app VLC Media Player. You only need to download it in case you don’t already have it. As soon as you’ve installed the app, simply run it.

Now you need to click the “Open Network Stream” from the list of options available at the top section of the VLC Media Player. Here, enter the same web address that you’ve got from the old android mobile phone. Subsequently, your phone is supposed to be all ready to use as CCTV without internet.

Why Should You Go with Android Phone?

Actually, there are quite a few benefits you can receive by turning your old functional android phone into a security camera. For example-

Sharper Images

Generally, maximum security cameras cover an average resolution of 8 megapixels. On the other hand, android phones usually have a resolution of 12 megapixels tops. So comparatively, it’s obviously way more than what a security camera offers.

Thus, the images recorded by an android phone’s camera will be a lot clearer than the security camera’s. This difference of 4 megapixels makes your recorded images sharp and rich in details which is one of the best plus points.

Android Phone’s Compatibility

Every android smartphone has a built-in camera & a Wi-Fi connectivity feature, which makes it perfect for a security system. Therefore, android phones come to be compatible with the apps that turn mobile into security cameras.

IP Webcam, Alfred Security Camera, Track view, and Athome Camera are some standard CCTV apps that simply need the required features and have compatibility with the android phones.

Though some of these apps require internet, they can connect an android phone with whichever viewing device to attain expected outcomes. In addition, they also have an absolute resolution as well as fast & simple features.

Use as Baby Observing Monitors

Another advantage is that you can use this facility of linking an android phone with CCTV for observing your baby. If you already have an installed CCTV but lack a baby observing monitor, you can just make use of your old android smartphone.

Consequently, you are able to observe your baby from a distance by connecting an android phone with the security system. On condition that your android mobile phone is operative and charged enough, you can use it for monitoring your baby instead of getting an additional security camera.


At this point of the article, you have probably known enough about the process of how you can turn an old android phone into a security camera without internet. By using this method, you can basically do almost everything that you can with a home security camera.

Furthermore, a smartphone is a portable device. So you can carry and use it anywhere or anytime you want. Follow the guidelines cautiously that are mentioned above and hopefully you will succeed in using your old android phone as a security camera.

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TR Jewel

Hello Out There! This is TR Jewel I'm a passionate blogger and Home Security and DIY Expert. Keep Reading my blog and stay with us for exploring more and more.

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