An Easy Procedure For Installing Security Cameras Outside The Home

In this day and age and all the alarming things we continuously hear from the news, it’s natural that we would want some extra security for our homes. To give us some peace of mind and reassurance, it’s a great idea to install an outdoor home security camera. 

Installation can be as easy as sticking a camera to the wall and connecting it to the wifi. Or it could get pretty frustrating from all the drilling and wiring. 

So now what should you do and how should you get started? Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through the process. You’ll have your surveillance cameras up and running in no time! 

After reading the whole article hopefully, you will have an A to Z idea of how to install security cameras outside the home. 

How To Install An Outdoor Security Camera

How To Install An Outdoor Security Camera

In the following part, I will explain to you the steps of setting up the outdoor security camera. So stay tuned! 

Choose The Right Camera

First thing’s first, choose the best camera for you and your home. Don’t know how to decide? We’ve got some more info for you later in this article that will help you, so continue on reading. 


Now that your camera is ready, decide which area of your home you want to keep an eye out for. 

This is obviously the most important step, hence it must be wisely thought out. 

Here are some tips that can help you:

Choose a location that’s high enough, covering the most area possible. Make sure there is nothing blocking the camera’s field of view. Try including as many doors and windows as you can. This will help you squeeze the most out of a single camera. Also means: fewer cameras bought, and fewer bills to pay. 

If your camera is wired, you need the placement of your camera to be near a power outlet. Now measure the distance between your camera and the outlet. This measurement will help you figure out how long your cord needs to be. 

Even a security camera needs to be secured. Fit your camera in some place that intruders, crooks, or even children can’t find or reach easily. Remember, in some areas, it’s illegal to hide your surveillance camera from the public. Keep that in mind in case you were hoping to camouflage your camera system. However, you can learn more about hidden security camera laws here

Point the camera away from bright lights or anything that can blur your camera footage. 

If the camera is powered by solar panels, make sure the placement of the camera is under direct sunlight. 

If your camera requires a Wi-Fi connection, consider the distance your camera is from the router. The weaker the signal, the slower the video feed will be. 

As durable as your outdoor camera may be, it’s not guaranteed to be non-perishable. Especially through very harsh weather conditions. To ensure your camera runs as long and smoothly as possible, it’s best to shield the camera with something like a rain gutter. 

Mount The Camera

Now that you’ve chosen a perfect spot for your camera, it’s time to mount it in place. Here is some equipment you may need:

Electric drill, drill bits, wall anchors, marker, screws, hammer, measuring tool, ladder, 

  • Position your camera in the place you’ve chosen. 
  • Mark each spot that needs a screw, using the marker. 

(If your camera is the kind that uses an adhesive pad, then just stick the camera to the wall and you’re all set. Though it’s not the most secure option, at least you won’t have to worry about any screws!) 

  • Drill in a pilot hole using the appropriate drill bit and lightly hammer in the anchors. 
  • If your camera is cable powered and the electric outlet is on the other side of the wall, you’re going to need to drill a hole into the wall, big enough for the cables to pass through. Be careful to avoid drilling into other wires, cables or pipes that are inside/opposite of the wall. 
  • Now fit the camera back in place and screw in the nails.  
  • Lastly, point the camera to the perfect angle. (You may have to come back to this step after setting up the connections.) 

Set Up The Wires And Connections

Yay, we got the messy work out of the way, but here comes the technical stuff. Now it’s time to connect the camera to a wireless connection and/or power source. 

  • If your camera uses cables, you will need to connect it to the adapter and plug it into an electric outlet. 
  • For a battery-powered wireless camera, put in the batteries before mounting the camera in place. 
  • Wireless cameras must be connected to the router via a WI-FI network. Or you can plug the network cable into the router directly. 
  • With a wired home security system, you’ll need to hook it up to a recording device, such as a DVR/NVR. Though it’s important to remember, DVRs record videos only, whereas NVRs are for both audio /video. 
  • Download an app that’s compatible with your camera, preferably the one provided by the manufacturer. 
  • Add and sync your security camera to your smart device. Set customized configurations and notifications. 
  • Lastly, check if the camera is positioned to the desired angle and adjust it if necessary. 

Every camera is made different. Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s guide for any specific instructions there may be on how to install your home security camera. 

Now that you have a good idea about installing an outdoor home security camera, let’s jump back to where we left off on the very first step; How to choose the right camera. 

As promised, here’s some useful information for you to help you decide on which camera is best. 

How Are Outdoor Surveillance Camera Powered? 

Generally, there are 3 ways an outdoor security camera can receive power.

Cable Powered

Security cameras require lots of energy to function properly. Cables can efficiently supply power to your outdoor home surveillance system. Though, one con would be that it limits where and how far you will be able to place the camera. 

Solar Panels 

Considering an outdoor security camera is placed.. outside, it only makes sense that a security camera that is powered by solar panels is one of the best options. 

You just have to make sure that the camera is placed under direct sunlight. A top-notch camera can provide 1 whole week of security footage with just a day’s worth of charge! How cool is that? 

Though the catch here is that compared to regular cameras, these ones can be on the more costly side. But not to worry, overall they are cost-effective and low maintenance. 


Some wireless cameras are powered by batteries. This option makes the cameras fully wire-free. This is best for those who want nothing to do with endless cords and wires. Just pop in some batteries and your camera’s all set. 

But as we all know, batteries are a temporary fix. Since security cameras require much energy, the batteries may need to be replaced/changed often. For this reason, battery-powered cameras overall are not budget-friendly or reliable. 

The distance between the camera and the router is another big factor. In order to get undisturbed footage, the Wi-Fi connection must have a strong signal. 

How Much Will An Outdoor Security Camera Cost 

The price of a home security camera system can vary depending on many factors. Your budget and surveillance need to play a big part in how much your camera will cost. 

Security cameras can be as cheap as $25 or hold a hefty price tag of $1500! Though most cameras range from $150 to $250. 

So you might have to ask yourself; do I really want the heat and motion sensor that comes with an expensive camera, or will a simple black and white video recorder do the job just fine? 

What Types Of Camera Is There To Choose From?

Here are a few types of cameras that are popular in the market and also work well for outdoor surveillance:

  • Dome security camera 
  • Box-style security camera
  • Bullet security camera
  • PTZ security camera
  • Wide dynamic security camera 
  • Thermal security camera
  • Infrared/Night vision security camera 
  • Wireless IP security camera 
  • Video doorbells 
  • Floodlight security camera 

What Camera Features Should You Look Out For in an Outdoor Camera?

You might end up feeling overwhelmed by such a wide range of security cameras that are out there. What should you look for? It all boils down to the neat features that a camera can offer you. Below are a few things to consider when choosing an outdoor security camera. 


You want a camera that will give you crystal clear video footage. Depending on the quality, cameras can range from 1080p HD to 4K resolution. Opt for one that at least provides full high-definition (HD) video footage. Imagine a thief stole your belongings and drove away. What’s the point of a security camera if you look back at the footage only to find the car’s license plate is a complete blur?


Some people just want to keep an eye on their home only when they are away. But sometimes you might be rushing out of the house and forget to turn on the security camera manually. So what to do in this situation? No worries, this feature can sync with your smartphone’s GPS in order to know when you’re home or not. It automates your camera, turning it on when you leave your home, and off when you return.

Motion Detector/Notify

A good feature for an outdoor security camera is a motion detector. The camera can be set to record 24/7 and notify you when it catches motion. You can also set it to record+notify you only when it senses motion. The latter is more useful at times considering it will take up less memory space and power. This is especially useful for wireless cameras that have a limited power supply. 

Night Vision

One of the most important features of an outdoor security camera is to be the ability to see in the dark. This is useful when you don’t have any street lights nearby to provide lighting for your camera. But keep in mind that night vision technology only comes in handy when it’s fully dark outside, any bright light can make this feature useless. 

If you want to get a bit fancy though, there are also cameras that have built-in floodlights that can provide you with fully colored night images. 


Considering you are looking for an outdoor camera, you would definitely want to make sure that it is durable enough to withstand all types of weather. 

Two-Way Audio

The camera will have a built-in microphone and speaker system that allows you to talk to whoever’s on the other side of the door. This is useful for when you feel lazy but you have to give instructions to the delivery man, all the way to roaring at a potential thief.

If you have your camera synced to your smartphone, no matter where you are, you will easily be able to talk to anyone that is near your home. 

But the feature will be useless if the sound isn’t crisp and clear. Look for a camera that will provide you with good quality audio. 

Field Of View 

It’s very important to choose a camera that will give you the most coverage. As we mentioned previously, you want the most out of your camera. Look for one that has a wide-angle lens or a pan-tilt feature. 

It should give you at least a 130-degree view, that would be a camera that will show you left and right and of course straight across. But the best would be a camera that can give a great 180-degree panoramic view. 


Though this feature doesn’t necessarily affect the camera’s performance, it does affect the overall aesthetics of your home. Your security camera is part of the family now after all, and it needs to look its best. 

Decide on what look you want to go for in a camera. Do you want it to give off the scary “I’m watching you” vibe or do you want it to look compact and pleasing to the eye?

Where To Place Outdoor Security Cameras

To figure out where the security camera’s placement should be, you might just have to step in the shoes of a thief. Imagine which places of your home would a thief try to sneakily get by. Places of low lighting for example would be their first choice. 

Generally, the most important areas in a home would be:

The main entrance, back door/side doors, driveway/walkway, yard, garage, and any detached buildings. 

It’s important to mention that security cameras should not be placed near sensitive areas such as your neighbor’s bathroom or bedroom. Not only is it offensive, but you could also get in trouble with the police too. 

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it. An outdoor security camera installation guide for the non-technical among us. Hopefully, this has been helpful and you can now install your new security camera without any hassle.

As you know the whole process of how to install security cameras outside the home. Stay safe!

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TR Jewel

Hello Out There! This is TR Jewel I'm a passionate blogger and Home Security and DIY Expert. Keep Reading my blog and stay with us for exploring more and more.

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