How To Install Ring Peephole Security Camera: A Step-by-Step Guide

A front door is usually the first thing we see when we come home, so it is a very important part of the house. Not only the front door rather there are other doors which are important as well.

If any person wants to enter your house then the door is the only way to go in. For any security measure, you should first secure the entering door of your house.

Ring Peephole Security Camera is one of the great tools that can be used to secure your house from unexpected incidents. Some people, however, find it difficult to install the security camera on the peephole. Throughout this article, I will explain how to install a Ring Peephole Security Camera. So read on until the end.

How To Install Ring Peephole Camera With No Hassle

How To Install Ring Peephole Camera With No Hassle

Here I am mentioning some simple steps to install a ring peephole security camera. You need to understand these steps first then execute these on your ground. Okay, let’s start!

1. Charge The Battery

Since this type of camera is usually battery-powered, you have to charge your peephole security camera before installation.

2. Remove The Current Peephole

There is a peephole, currently, inside the door. You need to unscrew this peephole by using your peephole key. This key should be small and metallic. In this peephole, you will find subtle or delicate notches. Now, you have to put your key into it. You have to loosen this peephole so keep turning it on.

To hold the peephole front section, you need another person who will hold it on the other side. Now remove the two sides of the peephole and set these aside.

3. Connect The Outside Portion Towards The Opening:

Now, you have come to the main part of your task, which is installation. In this step, you have to install a newer one. Carefully connect the peephole security camera’s outside portion towards the opening of the peephole. Now, press the newer one.

4. Larger Opening Need Peephole Extender

For the larger opening of the peephole, you have to pursue a new strategy.

In case, the thing which is attached to your peephole security camera is smaller than the opening of the peephole which means the opening is larger. You are required to use the extender of the ring peephole. You might find it in its box. This step is required if the opening is larger otherwise you have nothing to do with this thing.

5. Secure the Baseplate Section

Now you have to install the inside part of your peephole security camera. Connect its inside mount baseplate section towards the door. You will need someone else’s help for this step. He will hold your peephole security camera from the other side and you will do your task simply.

6. Remove Connector Cable

Your peephole security camera has a connector cable, which is attached to your peephole security camera. Now, you have to simply remove it from there.

7. Connect The Nut And Connector Cable

There is a ‘tightening nut’ from your door inside part. You need to set it exactly and turn this nut clockwise. Here you will have a connector cable. You have to attach this one to the baseplate. If your battery is fully charged, then install it onto the peephole cam.

8. Line-Up Faceplate

Faceplate works as a cover for this tool. You need to cover the baseplate by the faceplate, and line up it. You have to press it until you will find it connected.

You have done your task! See, these simple steps don’t require any power tools, sophisticated equipment, or even a screwdriver. Just follow the simple process.

After completing your task you have to consider another thing – there is a Ring app and you have to download it to start the entire process of your peephole security camera. Connect it to your WiFi network system and customize its settings.

How To Install Ring Peephole Security Camera Without Peephole?

How To Install Ring Peephole Security Camera Without Peephole

You might be thinking that how can you install a peephole security camera if there is no peephole. Initially, it is complex to think to complete this task without a peephole. Nevertheless, once you begin, you will find it easier than you thought.

However, you might have read the previous steps of installation when there is a peephole. In these previous steps, you only need to add one or two steps if there is no peephole on your door. These new steps are as follows:

Drill A Nice Hole

If you are needed to drill a hole then don’t worry, it is an easy task. Only you have to maintain all related things such as height and marking of both sides.

Firstly, you have to determine an accurate place for drilling. A place which will be reachable by all persons of the house. Then mark this place with a pencil. It is better to use tape to determine your door’s horizontal center. Now drill this place slowly and ensure you have drilled both sides accurately.

Peephole Key

To make the peephole smooth, you need to use the peephole key. Then your peephole is ready to install a Ring Peephole Security Camera. Then follow the previous steps to complete your task.


During this article, I’ve talked about how to install a ring peephole security camera. And I have also mentioned how to install a Ring Peephole Security Camera Without Peephole. This guide might be useful for you as we have mentioned steps where you will need nothing more than your labor. Follow the steps carefully and contact professionals for further assistance.

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TR Jewel

Hello Out There! This is TR Jewel I'm a passionate blogger and Home Security and DIY Expert. Keep Reading my blog and stay with us for exploring more and more.

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