Useful Tips on How To Hide Security Camera Outside

Security cameras are a necessary evil. We all like to think that we live in a world where nothing bad will ever happen to us, but the reality is that criminals prey on innocent people every single day.

That’s why having a security camera system is so important. It can help you keep your family safe and protect your property from theft or damage.

But what do you do if you don’t want everyone in the neighborhood to know that you have a security camera? Here are some tips regarding how to hide your security camera outside.

What Are The Reasons For Concealing A Security Camera Positioned Outside?

What Are The Reasons For Concealing A Security Camera Positioned Outside?

There are numerous reasons why a security camera would be hidden, depending on the circumstances. Here are some of the most popular reasons:

  • To prevent vandals from damaging or destroying the camera
  • To make the camera less noticeable and thus more effective
  • To avoid attracting attention to the fact that you are monitoring a particular area

Now let’s see how to hide surveillance cameras outdoor.

10 Excellent Ways To Hide Security Cameras Outside

There are several different ways to conceal your security camera, and we’ll be discussing some of the best methods in this post.

By using one of these methods, you can keep your security camera concealed while still ensuring that it’s performing its job effectively. So read on to learn how to hide a security camera in plain sight outside!

1. Use A Fake Rock To Conceal Your Camera

If you have a security camera that needs to be placed outside, one of the best ways to hide it is by using a fake rock.

These rocks are designed specifically to conceal small objects like cameras, and they can be placed anywhere in your yard without raising suspicion.

2. Attach Your Camera To A Tree

Another great way to hide your security camera is by hooking it to a tree. This is especially effective if you have a lot of trees on your property.

By attaching the camera to a tree, you can keep it well hidden while still allowing it to capture a clear image of any activity that takes place in your yard.

3. Use A Fake Sprinkler Head To Conceal Your Camera

If you have a sprinkler system in your yard, then you can use a fake sprinkler head to conceal your camera. These sprinkler heads are designed to look like real ones, but they’re actually hollow on the inside.

Simply unscrew the top of the sprinkler head and insert your camera into the hollow interior. Then screw the top back on, and your camera will be well hidden! Just make sure the camera can record footage of the outside without a problem.

4. Place Your Camera In A Birdhouse

Another fantastic way to conceal your security camera is by placing it in a birdhouse. This is especially effective if you have multiple birdhouses on your property.

By placing the camera in a birdhouse, you can keep it hidden while still capturing clear images of whatever takes place in and around your yard.

5. Hide The Surveillance Camera Inside A Mailbox

If you have a mailbox on your property, then you can also use it to hide your outdoor spy camera. Simply open the top or front of the mailbox to reveal a hollow interior. Then, insert the camera into the mailbox and attach the open side back on.

Make a hole in the mailbox’s body to let your camera capture the outside view. Also, drill a hole in the bottom of the mailbox to allow the camera’s power cord to pass through. If your CCTV camera is wireless, you don’t need to drill any hole for any cable.

6. Use A Potted Plant To Conceal Your Camera

If you have a potted plant on your porch or patio, then it can be used to conceal your security camera.

Just remove the plant from its pot and insert the camera into the potting soil and make a small hole for placing the camera’s lens to monitor outside without any issue. Then, replant the plant on top of the camera.

The leaves and branches of the plant will help to conceal the camera too. Make sure to create a hole in the bottom part of the pot so that the camera’s power cord can be passed through easily.

7. Place Your Camera In A Fake Security Light

Using a fake security light is one of the easiest ways to conceal your outdoor security camera. You can mount a surveillance camera inside these lights, and nobody would be able to guess where the camera is. They look like real security lights.

You should be able to insert your camera into the fake light’s body by simply unscrewing the top of the light fixture. Then screw the top back on, and your camera will be well hidden!

8. Attach The Camera To A Gutter 

If you have gutters on your home, then they can be used to hide your security camera. Simply attach the camera to the underside of a gutter.

Make sure to place the camera in a position where it can capture a wide view of your yard. You may need to use a ladder to reach the underside of the gutter.

9. Hide The Camera In A Birdfeeder

Birdfeeders are a great way to attract birds to your yard. They can also be used to conceal outdoor security cameras! Yes, you can hide your camera inside a birdfeeder and none can imagine it is there.

Most birdfeeders have a hollow interior that’s perfect for hiding small cameras. All you need to do is to place the camera inside the birdfeeder and make sure that the lens is facing outwards through.

10. Attach A Fake Camera To Divert Attention

Today’s last but really effective way to keep your security camera hidden is by attaching a fake camera to a highly visible place such as on a front porch column or near a door and placing the real working outdoor spy camera at a place not easily noticeable.

This will help to divert attention away from the real camera and make it more difficult for potential burglars or intruders to find it. You can buy a fake or dummy camera at most home improvement stores and online.

Final Words

Now that you know how to hide security cameras outside, you can keep your home or business well protected without anyone knowing that they’re there! Just remember to use these tips to keep your camera hidden and out of sight.

Thanks for reading! Take care!

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TR Jewel

Hello Out There! This is TR Jewel I'm a passionate blogger and Home Security and DIY Expert. Keep Reading my blog and stay with us for exploring more and more.

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