How to Block Neighbor’s Security Camera

These days, it’s a common sight to spot security cameras in front of the houses to prevent unexpected danger. However, along with ensuring safety for you and your loved ones, it can also bring some inconveniences as a side effect.

For instance, if you notice a camera of your neighbor pointed toward your house wouldn’t it be a concern of invading your private life?

Honestly, this is a problem that can not only become an annoying issue of neighbor gossiping but can also turn out to be a dangerous activity if somehow it’s used for illegal motives. So, as a matter of fact, it’s important to take necessary actions in order to protect your privacy from others.

Therefore, to solve your problem this article includes some possible methods that you can use to block your neighbor’s security camera. Continue reading to know more in detail about how to block a neighbor’s security camera.

7 Most Reliable Ways to Block Neighbor’s Security Camera

Ways to Block Neighbor’s Security Camera

In this article, I have discussed some of the most reliable ways that you can use to block your neighbor’s security camera in order to restore your privacy. However, you must decide wisely and head out with the technique that best suits your situation.

So without any further ado let’s get to the point.

Check the Fact Whether the Camera is Fake

First of all, it is worth considering that nowadays many people install fake cameras in front of their houses. It happens to be a decent and cost-effective idea to frighten away potential thieves and intruders.

When it comes to fake cameras, it’s typical that the camera lacks an ultraviolet indicator which comes in the form of a short cord. Also, it won’t have a brand label. Though there are some nameless security cameras available in the market, most of them have poor-quality pictures and vision.

Therefore, before doing anything to block your neighbor’s security camera, it’s best for you to be sure about the fact that the camera is fake or not. Researching your neighbor’s camera will be able to save you both time & effort.

Have a Talk With Your Neighbor

After checking if the security camera of your neighbor turns out to be real, then the most sensible step would be to let your neighbor know about your problem. 

Because it is very much possible that your neighbor isn’t even aware that their camera is directed toward your yard or window. It could be a complete coincidence. Hence, it’s best to communicate properly with your neighbor regarding this matter. 

You can stay calm and politely ask him to change the position of his camera. There’s nothing wrong with letting him know about your true feelings regarding this matter.

Therefore, be straightforward, and have a genuine conversation with your neighbor as it could be one of the most effective solutions for you.

Plant Shrubs or Trees

If talking doesn’t work, it’s time for you to start using other alternative methods. You can plant tall shrubs, trees, or both in front of your windows or a particular place in order to protect your privacy.

As a result, the security camera of your neighbor will be blocked to take any footage of your personal area. You will be able to increase your privacy as your shrubs & trees grow more and more mature.

Besides, you can use shade or curtains to block the inside view of your house. Because planting trees or shrubs is an eco-friendly idea, we would like to recommend it more.

However, keep in mind that this technique will not instantly work if your trees are not mature enough.

Installing a Security Camera of Your Own

This is another reasonable method that you can use against your nosy neighbor. It can work by making them have a taste of their own medicine. In other words, tit for tat.

If you think it’s meaningless for your neighbor to understand your issue, it’s best to give them a counterattack. In order to do so, you can install a security camera in your own house and then just point its direction toward your neighbor’s property.

When it starts concerning your neighbor with their privacy as well, both parties can come to an understanding and consider repositioning their cameras. Many people find this method useful and it’s totally legal.

Look for Help from Mediators

Now, if you think your neighbor is being ridiculously unreasonable and your words are failing to make any difference, you might want to seek out help from others. Mediators can be a good option.

Usually, the mediators organize meetings among the neighbors and help them to resolve their issues by being the third force themselves. 

You can look for mediators in your regional mediation centers or residential community service. All you need to do is enlighten them about your situation. They will know what measures to take as they often have to deal with such issues.

Contact the Police or Lawyer

When you realize that your neighbor is purposely pointing their camera towards you, your bedroom, or any other private room and it’s leading to stalking or spying on you then this matter is an extreme one.

If your neighbor is one of them and continues to cross the line it’s time to take legal action for the sake of your own safety. In this case, you should inform the police and reach out for their help.

Moreover, you can seek guidance from law administration officers. For your best advantage, you can consult an attorney as well. You can also read hidden security camera laws to know better before taking any actions. 

Get a Camera Jamming Device

Last but not the least, you can use a security camera jamming device to block your neighbor’s camera. It is a system that functions by suppressing the indication of the security camera. Thus, it prevents the camera from taking any footage. 

Though, this method is not much recommended as these devices cost a lot. Besides, it’s also considered an illegal act that can get you in trouble instead. You can also read my article about how to jam a wireless camera for thaking the best approach. 


To summarize, there’s nothing wrong with your neighbor pointing their camera toward your property. But definitely, if it’s without any ulterior motive.

So, you can be humble to use the methods mentioned above to keep your privacy as well as peace with your neighbor. However, if this matter involves any kind of criminal intention you must seek legal help as soon as possible.

All things considered, try to follow the advice and instructions to get the best results. Think wisely and choose the right method to deal with your situation. 

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TR Jewel

Hello Out There! This is TR Jewel I'm a passionate blogger and Home Security and DIY Expert. Keep Reading my blog and stay with us for exploring more and more.

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