Different Types Of Home Security Cameras & Their Usage

If you’re like most people, you’re probably paranoid about leaving your home unoccupied. And while there are a number of ways to protect your home while you’re away, one of the best is by installing a security camera

But with so many different types of home security cameras on the market, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the various types of security cameras and discuss their usage. So whether you’re looking for an indoor or outdoor camera, or one that records motion or sound, we’ve got you covered!

Different Types Of Security Cameras For Modern Home Security 

Types Of Security Cameras For Modern Home Security 

A high-quality security camera is imperative for both safety and peace of mind. The different types offer unique benefits that make them worth looking into before making any final decisions. Let’s see all types of security cameras based on different criteria. 

Type of Security Camera By Power

When it comes to security cameras, there are two main types according to the power source: wired and wireless. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, which is why it’s important to know what each type can offer before making a decision. So, let’s take a closer look at the different types of security cameras by power to help you decide which is the best fit for your needs.

Wired Security Camera

Wired Security Camera

Wired security cameras are one of the most popular types of surveillance cameras on the market. They are typically powered by a 12-volt DC adapter and come with a power cord that plugs into an outlet. One advantage of this type of indoor security camera is that they are very easy to install. There is no need to worry about batteries or wireless signals, as the camera is directly connected to the power source. 

However, one downside of wired security cameras is that they can be easily disabled if an intruder cuts the power line. Another disadvantage is that they are not as flexible as wireless cameras when it comes to placement, as they must be placed near a power outlet. Overall, wired security cameras are a reliable and affordable option for home security. 

Wireless Security Camera

Wireless Security Camera For Home

This type of camera has taken the security camera industry to a new height. These cameras are easy to install and can be placed almost anywhere in your home or business. 

Moreover, wireless cameras transmit video and audio signals wirelessly, so there is no need to run cables through your walls. This makes them ideal for areas where it would be difficult to run cables, such as outdoor areas or locations where you don’t want to drill holes. 

Wireless cameras run on batteries or can be plugged into an AC outlet. Some outdoor security camera models even have solar panels that allow them to recharge during the day.

Solar-Powered Security Camera

Solar-Powered Security Camera

Solar-powered security cameras are an excellent way to keep an eye on your property without having to worry about power outages or cords getting in the way. This type of camera is becoming increasingly popular due to its many benefits. 

Solar-powered security cameras are very versatile and can be used in a variety of locations, both inside and outside. They are also very easy to install and require little to no maintenance. Additionally, solar-powered security cameras are environmentally friendly and can help to reduce your carbon footprint. 

Type of Security Camera By Placement or Location

Security cameras are quickly becoming a necessary addition to many homes and businesses. Security camera placement is also important, as different locations provide different levels of protection. 

Location wise surveillance cameras can be classified into 2 main categories. They are- indoor and outdoor security cameras. Let’s learn more about them. 

Indoor Security Camera

Indoor Home Security Camera

Indoor security cameras come in a variety of styles to meet the specific needs of homeowners and businesses. One type of indoor camera is powered by an AC adapter, which plugs into a wall outlet. These types of cameras are typically larger and more noticeable than other types of indoor cameras. 

However, they offer the advantage of being always connected to a power source, making them ideal for locations where there is no good place to hide a battery-powered camera.

 Another type of indoor camera is powered by batteries. These types of cameras are smaller and less obtrusive than AC-powered cameras, making them a good choice for locations where discretion is important. However, battery-powered cameras must be regularly checked and replaced, making them less reliable than AC-powered

Outdoor Security Camera

Outdoor Home Security Camera

If you’re looking for the best type of camera to protect your home from outside with top-grade surveillance, an outdoor security camera is the best way to go. 

Yes, outdoor security cameras are designed to withstand the elements, so you don’t have to worry about them being damaged by weather or intruders. They also provide a wider field of view than other types of cameras, so you can keep an eye on a larger area. 

And because they’re visible, they can also act as a deterrent to potential burglars. To get optimal protection, you should install a powerful outdoor PTZ security camera. 

However, there are also outdoor cameras that come with many advanced features, for example, doorbell cameras. This type of camera offers features like 2-way communication, motion detection technology, night vision ability, and many incredible facilities. You can easily control them using your smartphone too. 

Another type of outdoor camera can take your security to a whole new level.  What if your outdoor security camera also acted as a floodlight? Sounds pretty impressive, right? Well, there are now cameras on the market that do just that. Called ‘floodlight cameras’.

These unique devices combine the functionality of a traditional security camera with that of a floodlight. This allows you to keep an eye on your property by detecting intruders and casting a floodlight at them.

Type Of Security Camera By Connectivity 

Some wireless cameras can be operated remotely using Wi-Fi technology while some cameras need to be handled manually. So, if you classify security cameras by connection, you will get two major types. They are – Wi-fi cameras and analog cameras. Let’s see further about them.  

WiFi Enabled Security Camera

Wi-fi Enabled Security Camera

Amongst home security cameras, those that are Wi-Fi enabled are some of the most versatile on the market. As their name suggests, Wi-Fi cameras connect to your home’s wireless network, giving you the ability to view and control them from anywhere in the world.

 Most Wi-Fi-connected security cameras also come with built-in motion sensors and can send alerts to your phone or tablet whenever they detect activity. Additionally, many models include night vision and two-way audio, giving you the ability to see and hear what’s happening even when it’s dark or you’re far from home. 

Analog Security Cameras

Analog Security Cameras

An analog camera is your best bet if want a security camera that doesn’t require a Wi-Fi connection. Analog cameras are connected to a DVR or NVR (digital video recorder or network video recorder) using a coaxial cable, which transmits the video signal. 

This type of connection is more reliable than Wi-Fi, and it’s also less likely to be hacked. However, analog cameras do have some drawbacks. They can be more expensive than other types of cameras, and they require professional installation. Also, it won’t provide Livestream videoes. 

However, you will find that these cameras come with storage devices to save captured videos. So, you can check these videos if needed by collecting them from the storage device. 

If you’re looking for a dependable security system, an analog camera is a great option.

Type of Security Camera By Recording

In this category, you will find two main types of security cameras: those that record video and those that don’t. 

If you’re looking for a camera that will provide you with a permanent record of what happened at your home, then you’ll need to choose a camera that records video. On the other hand, if you’re more concerned with being able to monitor what’s happening in your home in real-time, then a non-recording camera may be a better option for you. 

There are also 3 classifications of security cameras based on how they record video:

NVR (Network Video Recorder)

NVR Security Cameras

This type of camera is becoming increasingly popular recently. NVR device offers a number of advantages over traditional security cameras. 

NVRs work by compressing video data and then streaming it over an IP network. This allows for much higher levels of compression than traditional CCTV cameras, resulting in better image quality. 

In addition, NVRs offer greater flexibility when it comes to storage and playback. Most NVRs allow you to store recordings on a network-attached storage device or in the cloud.

Cloud Recording

Since cloud-based security cameras were introduced, the security camera industry has experienced a revolution. This special types of security cameras are appealing because they allow you to record and store footage in the cloud, rather than on a physical storage device. This has several advantages. 

First, it means that you can access your footage from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection. Second, it means that your footage is stored securely off-site, so even if your camera is damaged or stolen, your footage will be safe. 

DVR(Digital Video Recorders)

DVR Security camera

DVR cameras are an excellent way to capture footage of any occurrence or event that occurs in your home. These security cameras are equipped with a DVR system which is usually analog devices, I mean, not WiFi enabled; they are usually incorporated into wired security systems. A coaxial cable usually connects the camera to a hard drive.

Type of Security Camera by Shape

When it comes to deciding which type of security camera to buy, there are many shapes and sizes to choose from. You might choose the right size and shape of the camera based on the purpose of the camera, such as for outdoor use or for indoor use. Also. you may need different shapes for different purposes.  Let’s see various types of surveillance cameras based on their shape and what each type is best used for. 

Dome-Shaped Security Camera

Dome Security Camera

The dome-shaped security camera is one of the most common types of security cameras. They get their name from their Dome shape, which makes them less visible and more difficult to tamper with. Dome-shaped security cameras are typically used indoors, but they can also be used outdoors if they are weatherproof. 

Due to the camera’s shape, onlookers have a hard time determining which way the camera is facing, which is an effective design feature, as it makes crime less likely.

One advantage of dome-shaped security cameras is that they offer a wide field of view. They can also be rotated and tilted to get a better view of an area. Another advantage of dome-shaped security cameras is that they are less likely to be vandalized than other types of security cameras. 

PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) Security camera

PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) Security camera

PTZ security cameras are perhaps the most versatile type of camera on the market. As the name suggests, PTZ cameras can be directed to pan( sweep horizontally), tilt( sweep vertically), or zoom in and out, giving you a great deal of control over your field of view. 

However, PTZ cameras are usually more expensive than fixed position cameras, but the added flexibility is often worth the extra cost. Also, PTZ cameras are typically used in situations where it is important to have a wide field of view, such as in parking lots or other large outdoor areas. They can also be used indoors in cases where you need to be able to monitor a large area, such as in a warehouse or retail store.

Bullet Security Camera

Bullet Security Camera

Bullet-shaped cameras offer many benefits and can be an excellent choice for both home and business security systems. Thanks to their sleek design, they are easy to install and blend in neatly with their surroundings. 

You will see the hood of a bullet camera is placed slightly ahead of the lens so that it keeps sunlight or rain to fall on the lens and make the footage blur. As a result, you can place outdoor without any hesitation. 

Plus, their small size makes them easy to conceal, which is ideal for security purposes. However, one downside of bullet-shaped cameras is that they may require more frequent maintenance than other types of security cameras. 

Box-Shaped security Camera

Box-shaped cameras can be mounted on walls or ceilings, and they often come with adjustable brackets to ensure that they are always pointed in the right direction. You can say box-shaped security cameras are the ancestors of modern smart home security cameras. 

While box-shaped cameras are not invisible, they can be a highly effective way to deter crime and protect your property.

Eyeball-Shaped Security Camera

These are excellent small spy cameras. These cameras are typically very small and discreet, making them ideal for covert surveillance. Spy cameras can be hidden in a variety of objects, such as bookends, alarm clocks, and smoke detectors. 

Another advantage of spy cameras is that they are often very easy to install, as they do not require any wiring or drilling. If you get a spy camera with long battery life, you will use them for various purposes. 

Types of Security Cameras by Special Ability

A home security camera can be a valuable tool in protecting your home. If you want a camera for any special purpose, you should get a device that focuses on that special ability. Here, I’ve made a list of a few cameras based on some special ability. Le’s see 

Varifocal Security Camera

Whether you’re looking for close-up surveillance or a general overview of your property, a varifocal camera can give you the flexibility you need. This type of camera has a lens that can be adjusted to zoom in or out, giving you a flexible field of view. 

For example, you can use a varifocal camera to focus on a specific area, such as a doorway or window, or you can zoom out to get a wider view of your property.

Also, varifocal cameras are also popular because they allow you to fine-tune your security system to fit your specific needs. 

Thermal Security Camera

Thermal security cameras are a type of camera that uses infrared technology to detect heat signatures. These cameras can be used to detect people or animals even in complete darkness, making them an invaluable tool for security and surveillance. 

Moreover, thermal cameras work by detecting the infrared radiation emitted by warm objects, such as human bodies. This radiation is invisible to the naked eye, but it can be detected by the camera’s sensor and converted into a visible image. 

In addition to that, these cameras are extremely sensitive, and they can often detect heat signatures from long distances away. As a result, they are often used in military and law enforcement applications. However, in recent times, thermal cameras are rapidly gaining popularity for home security systems, as they provide an extra level of protection against burglars and intruders.

Discreet Security Camera

In an age of constant surveillance, it’s no wonder that people are looking for ways to keep their own privacy intact. Enter the discreet security camera. This type of camera is designed to be small and unobtrusive, making it perfect for use in a home or office setting. 

And because they are so easy to hide, discreet security cameras can also be used to capture footage of people who are unaware that they are being recorded. 

Whether you’re looking to keep an eye on your property or to gather evidence of wrongdoing, a discreet security camera can be a powerful tool. Just be sure to use it responsibly!

Wide Dynamic Security Camera

These days, there are security cameras for every need and budget. If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line option, however, you’ll want to check out a wide dynamic security camera. 

Wide dynamic cameras are designed to capture clear images in both low-light and high-contrast situations. This makes them ideal for use in areas where traditional security cameras would struggle, such as near windows or in brightly lit rooms. 

And because they can capture high-quality images at a distance, wide dynamic cameras are also great for monitoring large areas. Overall, a wide dynamic camera can provide you with the best possible security for your home or business.

Night Vision Security Camera

Night Vision Security Camera

A night vision security camera is an essential tool for protecting your home or business. This type of camera uses infrared technology to provide clear images in low-light or darkness. 

Night vision cameras are available in both wired and wireless models, and they can be used indoors or outdoors. Many night vision security cameras also offer features such as motion detection and two-way audio. 

When choosing a night vision security camera, it is important to consider the area you want to monitor, as well as your budget. With so many options available, there is sure to be a night vision camera that meets your needs.

What To Look For When Buying The Right Type Of Home Security Camera For Your Home? 

When it comes to home security, one of the best ways to protect your home and family is by installing a security camera. But with so many different types and brands of security cameras on the market, how do you know which one is right for you?

So, now, I’ll provide you with a buyer’s guide to help you choose the perfect home security camera for your needs. So read on to learn more!


Durability is an important consideration. You want a camera that will be able to withstand the elements, whether it’s extreme heat or cold, rain or snow. Look for a camera that is weatherproof and vandal-resistant.

Also, a durable security camera will give you peace of mind that anyone can’t cause any harm to the camera easily. 

Ease of Installation 

This is another key factor. If you’re not handy with tools, you’ll want a camera that requires hassle-free installation. In such a case, a wireless or wi-fi-enabled security camera would be the ideal option. 

Moreover, if you’re not confident in your ability to install the camera yourself, look for a model that comes with easy-to-follow instructions or even professional installation services.

Power Source

Depending on where you want to install the camera, you may need to choose one that runs on batteries or one that plugs into an outlet.

 If you go with a battery-powered camera, be sure to check the battery life and whether it’s rechargeable. You’ll also want to consider how easy it is to access the camera so you can change the batteries or recharge it when needed. 

If you opt for a wired camera, be sure to choose one that’s compatible with your home’s wiring system. Otherwise, you may need to hire an electrician to install it for you.


While buying a home security camera, one of the things you’ll want to consider is connectivity. Will the camera run on 5G? Because 5G internet is becoming increasingly popular, you may experience a loss of connection or sluggish performance if your security camera isn’t compatible with 5G.

You’ll also want to think about whether you need a wired or wireless connection. If you go with a wired connection, you’ll need to make sure it’s compatible with your router. If you go wireless, you’ll need to make sure the signal is strong enough to reach your router. 

Video Quality

When it comes to home security, the quality of the video footage makes a big difference. After all, what good is a security camera if it doesn’t provide clear images? 

There are a few things to keep in mind when evaluating video quality. First, consider the resolution. The higher the resolution, the more detail you’ll be able to see. Second, look at the frame rate. A higher frame rate means that the video will be smoother and less likely to contain blurring or other artifacts. 

Finally, pay attention to the field of view. A wider field of view means that more of the area will be covered by the camera. By taking all of these factors into account, you can be sure to choose.

Storage And Recording

In this case, first, you’ll need to decide how you want to store and record footage. Some cameras come with built-in storage, while others require a separate memory card or subscription. You’ll also need to consider how long you want to be able to access the footage. 

If you only need to review footage in the event of an incident, a few days of storage may be sufficient. However, if you want to be able to review footage regularly or have longer-term needs, you’ll need a camera with more storage capacity. 

However, cloud storage ability security camera upload footage to a cloud drive and you will be able to watch those videos from anywhere in the world with this type of security camera system.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Type of Camera Is Best for Home Security?

Ans: The answer to this question depends on a few different factors. First, you need to decide what type of home security system you want and what your needs. Second, you need to consider your budget as home security systems can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.  

Overall, a wireless dome-shaped wifi-enabled security camera will work best for home security. 

2. Do I have to Have WiFi for Security Cameras?

Ans: No, you don’t have to have WiFi for security cameras. However, if you do have WiFi, it’s a good idea to use it because it will increase the range of your camera and make it easier to access footage from anywhere in the world.

If you don’t have WiFi, you can still use your security camera by plugging it into your router or modem using an Ethernet cable. This will give you a more reliable connection and allow you to store footage locally on your computer.

3. What Is The Easiest Home Security System To Install? 

Ans: There are a few home security systems that are very easy to install. In my research, I found that both the Abode iota and SimpliSafe systems are easy to install.

4. Do Security Cameras Work Without Electricity?

Ans: No, security cameras do not work without electricity. Security cameras rely on a power source to operate, and without electricity, they will not be able to function. Many security cameras are battery-operated, so in the event of a power outage, they will still be able to work. However, backup batteries only last for a limited amount of time, so it is important to have another power source available in case of an emergency.

Final Words

With so many types of security cameras, it can be hard to know which one is best for you. But, you should choose one that meets your needs and fits your budget.

If you just want basic protection for your home, a less expensive option like a wireless IP camera may be all you need. However, if you’re looking for additional features like facial recognition or live streaming, you’ll likely have to spend a bit more money. 

No matter which type of home security camera you choose, make sure to do your research and read the reviews before making a purchase. Good luck.

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TR Jewel

Hello Out There! This is TR Jewel I'm a passionate blogger and Home Security and DIY Expert. Keep Reading my blog and stay with us for exploring more and more.